Hosseini , S. A. Hamed, Gills, Barry K.. Routledge; 2018. Critical globalization studies and development.
Hits: 1110
Visitors: 1090
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Gills, Barry K., Hamed Hosseini, S. A.. Risk Institute, Trieste- Geneva; 2021. Transversalism and transformative praxes: Globalization from below.
Hits: 358
Visitors: 356
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Hosseini, S. A. Hamed, Gills, Barry K., Goodman, James. Routledge; 2017. Towards transversal cosmopolitanism: understanding alternative praxes in the global field of transformative movements.
Hits: 1007
Visitors: 1229
Downloads: 123
Hosseini, S. A. Hamed, Gills, Barry K., Goodman, James. Routledge; 2017. Toward transversal cosmopolitanism: understanding alternative praxes in the global field of transformative movements.
Hits: 1190
Visitors: 1759
Downloads: 418
Gills, Barry K., Hosseini, S. A. Hamed. Springer; 2022. Pluriversality and beyond: consolidating radical alternatives to (mal-)development as a Commonist project.
Hits: 624
Visitors: 677
Downloads: 59
Hamed Hosseini, S. A., Goodman, James, Motta, Sara C., Gills, Barry K.. Routledge; 2021. Towards new agendas for transformative global studies: an introduction.
Hits: 1336
Visitors: 1375
Downloads: 67
Hosseini, S. A. Hamed, Gills, Barry K.. Routledge; 2024. Capital Redefined: A Commonist Value Theory for Liberating Life.
Hits: 3436
Visitors: 3435
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Hosseini, S. A. Hamed, Gills, Barry K.. Routledge; 2020. Beyond the critical: reinventing the radical imagination in transformative development and global(ization) studies.
Hits: 714
Visitors: 712
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Gills, Barry K., Goodman, James, Hosseini, S. A. Hamed. Sage; 2017. Theorizing alternatives to capital: towards a critical cosmopolitanist framework.
Hits: 1393
Visitors: 1910
Downloads: 332
Hosseini, S. A. Hamed, Gills, Barry K.. Routledge; 2020. Reinventing global studies through transformative scholarship: A critical proposition.
Hits: 669
Visitors: 665
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Hamed Hosseini, S. A., Gills, Barry K.. Routledge; 2025. Navigating the Pluriversal Terrain: Dilemmas, Dynamic Diversities, and Synergies.